Safe House
Year: 2012
Genre: Action/Crime/Mystery
Runtime: 115mins
Rating: R
IMDB Score: 7.0/10 (33,800+ Votes)
Director(s): Daniel Espinosa
Writer(s): David Guggenheim
A young CIA agent is tasked with looking after a fugitive in a safe house. But when the safe house is attacked, he finds himself on the run with his charge.
Seems like there could be some really good action in the movie and it based on one the trailers I've seen for the movie Denzel seems to play plays a character like the one from the movie Unthinkable and if that's the case it should a good movie.
Fun Fact/Trivia:
For a few seconds per take during some of the torture scenes Denzel was actually waterboarded.
Stars of the movie: Denzel Washington,Ryan Reynolds and Robert Patrick
The Breakdown:
Well my hope for Denzel playing a character like that in Unthinkable was smashed but in a good way. In it's simplest form Denzel's character is a type of whistle blower of the highest order. He knows that once the info he has gets out his world becomes a much smaller place and is already starting to be so. So what does he do? He walks into one of the many dens of the lion. He turns himself over to the US government because he knows how they work seeing as he was once one of them.
Reynolds' character is a housekeeper. No,not the kind you find in a hotel but the kind that runs a safe house. He's been at his current post for 12 months now and that means he's due to move but of course something happens and he now must not only fight for his life but the life of his guest (Denzel) all the while learning things he didn't want to know.
The story is decent and a bit scary because you can really see this shit happening in real life. What would you do with a file that list traitors at every level of every major government on Earth? After watching this movie you may not answer that question the way so many would want you to. There is one thing I did not like about the story and that was how early you figure out the twist. I mean it's more clear than sitting under a glass table. Knowing the twist didn't really take much away from the enjoyment of the since there is a good amount of action but it would have been nice if it was raveled much later than it was.
So I stated that there was a good amount of action and I'm sure you want to know how it was shot. Well parts felt to much like the Bourne series in that it's hard to follow due to shoddy cam work which includes switching of angles many times in one fight and getting way to close to the action itself. Not all the action is shot like that and it's a good thing since there is I would say three of four fist fight scenes. Don't worry there's gun fights along with some chase scenes and a few BOOM BOOMS!
I like the way the movie ends and feels like it would make for a good series of movies. I don't really want to explain why I think that since the movie just came out but I will say that there is leaning in the movie and you can see progression and it would make for a good sequel or two if they keep that up. Vague enough for you?
Best line in the movie: There was none in this movie.
The Verdict:
While not the best action/drama movie it is really good and worth a watch. There are some issues but not so big that you'll dislike it to the point of bitching.
I give this movie 4 safe places out of 5.
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