5 new releases this week to ponder, watch or just skip over.
First up we have
Safe House

Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington are an unlikely team that has to survive to find out who wants them dead. The R Rating suggests a Book of Eli/Training Day Denzel which is good or bad depending on your tastes, but Ryan Reynolds? This film looks like it could pack a punch but I am figuring it for a waste of time.
Next up we have
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is not my cup of tea normally but he has his charms, I guess. If you like "the Rock" I am sure you will enjoy this film. I was not a fan of the first Journey to the Center of the Earth film but I am sure this will end up on my T.V. before too long on family movie night.
Next we have
John Carter

This was one of the biggest financial flops in recent history. I have not seen this film and I may at some point but I am in no rush.
Next up we have
Act of Valor

We here at 3guys almost went and saw this film in the theater but something happened and we missed it. From what I am reading this may have been good luck, in its cinematic form. The film sounded interesting, real Navy Seals doing what they do, kicking ass and taking names but it seems something may have been lacking because it was received as well as a chancre sore.
finally we have
Machine Gun Preacher

Angry guy on bike goes around Africa killing people who have wronged and continue to wrong the most vulnerable people, children. This film probably took itself too seriously and ruined what could have been an action packed ride through hell. Maybe Ghost Rider and Machine Gun Preacher should get together and right all the wrongs in the world. Based on a true story seems a little bit of a stretch.
That's it that's all
Tagged as: Act of Valor, Denzel Washington, Dwayne Johnson, Gerard Butler, John Carter, Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, machine gun preacher, Navy Seals, Ryan Reynolds, Safe House, The Rock